Nacton Road, Landseer Road and Rands Way, Ipswich consultation

29th November 2017, 12:00 to 14:00 at Gainsborough Community Library, Clapgate Lane, Ipswich (17.3 miles)

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Ipswichâ??s population is set to grow by 42,000 over the next 19 years. This growth is predicted to have an impact on traffic levels in and around the town.
Suffolk County Council (SCC) has been investigating what this means for the existing road network and has successfully bid to the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for funding for road and junction improvements.
The total fund is £5 million with £3.5 million coming from the LEP and SCC contributing £1.5 million.
The proposal for this location is part of a wider package of measures across the town that will help ease congestion and enhance the sustainable transport provision.
As part of this consultation, we will be hosting this consultation event in Ipswich, where the public can learn more and speak to members of Suffolk County Councilâ??s programmeâ??s team.